A compassionate company is here: it offers inexpensive basics in wholly attractive modern styles, like cute camis, muscle tees, and cap-sleeved numbers -- no need to sacrifice your style for feeling good about where your money's going. And you should feel pretty good when you find out that No Sweat Apparel not only doesn't use sweatshop labor, it proclaims its product sources to the world, so you can double-check the truth of its claims. If you'd like to go straight to the source to buy your products cheaper? Go forth and buy! No Sweat Apparel wholly supports the prosperity of its sources and the resurrection of open competition in the apparel industry. They've dubbed this revolutionarily honest approach "open source" apparel manufacturing. That's programmer lingo for "honest business," but to the Green Empress, those words mean "love."
And far be it from No Sweat Apparel to neglect more recent donation-worthy occurrences. Until September 30, for every pair of sneakers purchased, they'll donate a pair to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. You can also purchase a pair of sneakers that will be donated directly. Why should We not adore?
Finally, lest the Green Empress wax reproving about their lack of environmental concern, they've also just added an organic t-shirt line, and surely the eco-friendliness won't stop there. Her Imperial Greenness feels certain there's much more to come.
Cool site, put your money where your mouth is, good stuff. You know though all the patrons Wal-Mart are willing.
Her Imperial Majesty very occasionally shops at Wal-Mart with distaste (when there's nothing else open and it is Imperative that something be bought immediately due to a shameful lack of preparations ;)), and We know that some of Our friends shop at Wal-Mart because they feel they have little alternative, being starving students. We suppose the intro to this post may be for them. :D
But We are graciously glad that you like Our blog!
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